George Orwell's 1984 is a dystopian novel that was written in 1948, and set in the then future year of 1984. The planet is divided into three super-powers that are at constant war with one another, and which keep their citizens under totalitarian control. Their methods include constant surveillance, dehumanization, mind control, physical and mental torture, executions and more.
Our protagonist, Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party, attempts to not only maintain his humanity, but to fight The Party. At his side is Julia, a woman with whom he falls in love. He also enlists the aid of O'Brien, a member of the Inner Party, someone he long felt he could trust because he sensed a connection with him.
1984 was subjected to challenges and bans immediately upon publication, and for decades afterward, making it one of the American Library Association's most challenged classics .
In Russia, the book was banned upon publication.
In 1981 parents in Jackson County, FL, challenged the book for being "pro-communist" (did they read it?) and complained that it contained "explicit sexual matter".
Myriad challenges have been made regarding 1984's language, sexual content, "anti-government" stance, "pro-communism" stance, and other content.
If you haven't read it, do so and decide for yourself. Even if you have already read 1984, read it again. You won't be sorry.
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